Best all business ideas to start with low capital

Business venture

Agricultural Produce Brokerage

Better business ideas are as listed in this information concerning Agriculture, often referred to as the backbone of the Kenyan economy, faces challenges due to gaps between suppliers and consumers. In a recent visit to Kinangop, I witnessed farmers lamenting the low prices of cabbage, which had dropped to a mere Ksh4 per piece. Some farmers even resorted to feeding their cabbage to cows because selling them was not profitable. The situation was worsened by low milk prices.

Upon returning to Roysambu, I was surprised to find cabbage prices at Ksh40 per piece in the city. Dissatisfied urban dwellers blamed dishonest brokers for the fluctuating prices. This presents a significant opportunity for a brokerage service that treats both parties fairly.

One approach is to collaborate with farmers and establish a central point for organizing their produce. By purchasing the produce at a higher cost, the impact of high transportation expenses resulting from poor roads can be reduced. For instance, in the case of cabbages, they could be delivered to a nearby highway and bought for Ksh10 per piece. These cabbages could then be sold in the city for Ksh25 each.

With an initial investment of Ksh10,000, you could obtain 1000 cabbages and partner with a transporter. After delivering them to the city, the profits from selling the cabbages would amount to Ksh15,000 per trip. By splitting the profits with the transport provider, a decent profit can still be earned for a day’s work.

Read Also: Why Kenyan Graduates Are Returning to Farming

Home Massage Services

The demand for massage therapy to enhance mental and physical health is increasing among Kenyans. While spas are emerging in residential areas, many potential clients and families struggle to find the time to visit them. This presents a niche market for home-based massage services, allowing you to offer spa services without the high costs associated with physical establishments.

You can either learn or partner with a trained masseuse and allocate Ksh10,000 for marketing and advertising, such as creating a Facebook/Instagram/TikTok page, engaging influencers, purchasing branded uniforms, and investing in massage kits. With the right strategy, you could also create a basic webpage within the given budget. This approach will enable you to attract clients and offer services at their homes, generating revenue.

Tree Farming

Tree farming differs from the other business ideas discussed here, as it is a long-term opportunity for passive income. The global focus on the climate change crisis, which the Kenyan government has also acknowledged, adds value to tree farming in two ways. Firstly, there is a rising demand for trees, leading to an increase in their prices in the coming years. Secondly, there is potential in the carbon emissions trade.

As companies face increasing pressure to reduce carbon emissions, Kenya is considering implementing a carbon credit system. This system would allocate specific credits to companies, allowing them to emit emissions up to a certain limit. If exhausted, companies would have the option to purchase credits from tree farmers. Therefore, investing in tree farming can be financially beneficial in the long run.

Home Cooking

Modern-day work pressures often leave people with limited time to prepare meals at home. However, some Kenyans cannot afford to hire domestic help, nor do they wish to spend on expensive hotel meals. This creates an opportunity for a business providing home cooking services.

You can operate this business individually or as an entrepreneur with a team of passionate cooks. By branding and marketing the business effectively, you can attract clients who will schedule appointments for a chef to visit their homes on specific days. The chef can prepare multiple meals, storing them in the client’s fridge or freezer for a fee.

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