7 dietary benefits of salt

  1. Sodium – Salt is a primary source of sodium, which is an essential nutrient that helps regulate blood volume and blood pressure.
  2. Electrolyte balance – Salt helps maintain the balance of electrolytes in the body, which is crucial for proper nerve and muscle function.
  3. Hydration – Salt aids in water retention, which can help prevent dehydration.
  4. Digestion – Salt stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which aids in digestion.
  5. Nutrient absorption – Salt facilitates the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine.
  6. Hormone regulation – Salt plays a role in regulating hormones such as aldosterone and vasopressin, which are important for maintaining fluid balance in the body.
  7. Carbohydrate metabolism – Salt is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and helps to provide energy to the body.

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